"Low-temperature Curing Powder Coatings for Thermally Sensitive Substrates" was approved(Reprint)
Original: Qutu net Qutuo coating 2024-03-09 00:01 Beijing
On February 29, 2024, the Chinese version of the group standard "Low-temperature Curing Powder Coatings for Thermally Sensitive Substrates" was approved by the China Committee for Standardization of Materials and Testing (CSTM).
It specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of low-temperature curable powder coatings for heat-sensitive substrates. The formulation of this standard fully considers the actual situation of China's powder coating industry.
Please refer to the original link for specific content: http://www.ht2023.net/n242.htm
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